Monday, January 27, 2020

Capital market of india vs usa

Capital market of india vs usa INDIAN FINANCIAL SYSTEM: MONEY AND CAPITAL MARKET IN INDIA:- A money market is not a market for money but it is a market for near money; or it is the market for lending and borrowing of short-term funds. It is the market where the short-term surplus investible funds of banks other financial institutions are demanded by borrowers comprising individual companies and government. Commercial banks are both suppliers of funds in the money market and borrowers. The Indian money market consists of two parts: the unorganized and the organized sectors. The unorganized sector consists of indigenous bankers who pursue the banking business on traditional lines and non-banking financial institutions(NBFCs) .the organized sector comprises the reserve bank, the state bank of India and its associates banks, both Indian and foreign. The organized money market in India has a number of sub markets such as the treasury bills market, the commercial bills market and the inter-bank call money market. The Indian money market is not a single homogenous market but is composed of several sub-markets, each one of which deals in a particular type of short term credit. CALL MONEY MARKET: The market is also known as money at call and short notice. The market has actually two segments viz. (a) the call market or overnight market, and (b) short notice market. The rate at which funds are borrowed and lent in this market is call money rate. Call money rates are market determined i.e. by demand for and supply of short term funds. The public sector banks for about 75 percent for the demand (that is, borrowings) and foreign banks and Indian private sector banks accounts for the balance for the balance of 20 percent of borrowings. Non-banking financial Institutions such as IDBI, LIC, GIC, etc enter the call money market as lenders and supply up to 80 percent of the short-term funds. The balance of 20 percent of the funds is supplied by the banking system .while some banks operates both as lenders and borrowers, others are eithers only borrowers or only borrowers or only lenders in the call money market. Bill Market in India: The bill market or the discount market is the most important part of the money market where short-term bills-normally up to 90 days-are brought sold. The bill market is further subdivided into commercial bill market and Treasury bill market. The market for commercial bills has not become popular in India. Unlike in London other international money markets where commercial bills are extensively bought and sold (i.e. discounted). The 91 days treasury bills are the most common way the government of India raises funds for the short period. Some years ago, the government had introduced the 182 day treasury bills which were later converted into 364-day treasury bills; the government introduced the 14-day intermediate treasury bills. Features defects of Indian money market: Existence of unorganized money market Absence of integration Diversity in money rates of interest Seasonal stringency of money Absence of the bill market Highly volatile call money market Absence of a well organized banking system Availability of credit instrument. Composition of Indian capital market: Capital market is the market for long term funds, just as the money market is the market for short term funds. It refers to all the facilities and the institutional arrangements for borrowing and lending term funds (medium-term and long-term funds).it does not deal in capital goods but is concerned with the raising of money capital for purposes of investment. The demand for long-term memory capital comes predominantly from private sector manufacturing industries and agriculture and from the government largely for the purpose of economic development. As the central and state governments are investing not only on economic overheads like transport, irrigation and power development but also on basic industries and sometimes even in consumer goods industries, they require substantial sums from the capital market. The supply of funds for the capital market comes largely from individual savers, corporate savings, banks, insurance companies specialized financing agencies and the government. Among the institutions, we may refer to the following: Commercial banks are important investors, but are largely interested in govt. securities and, to a small extent, debentures of companies; LIC and GIC are of growing importance in the Indian capital market, though their major interest is in government securities; Provident funds constitute a major medium of savings but their investment too are mostly in govt. securities; and Special institutions set up since independence , viz, IFCI, ICICI, IDBI, UTI, etc. -generally called development financial institutions (DFIs) -aim at supplying long term capital to the private sector. There are financial intermediaries in the capital market, such as merchant bankers, mutual funds leasing companies etc. which help in mobilizing savings and supplying funds to investors. Like all markets, the capital market is also composed of those who demand funds (borrowers) and those who supply funds (lenders).an ideal capital attempts to provide adequate capital at reasonable rate of return for any business which offers a prospective yield high enough to make borrowing worthwhile. The capital market is broadly divided into two the gilt-edged market and the industrial securities market. The gilt-edged market refers to the market for government and semi govt. securities, backed by the RBI. The securities traded in this market are stable in value and are much sought after by banks and other institutions. The industrial securities market refers to the market for shares and debentures of old and new companies. This market is further divided into the new issue market and old capital market meaning the stock exchange. The new issue market -often referred to as primary market- refers to raising of new capital in the form of shares and debentures whereas the old issue market -commonly known as stock exchange or stock market-deals with securities already issued by the companies. It is also known as the secondary market. Both markets are equally important, but often the issue market IS MUCH MORE IMPORTANT from the point of view of economic growth. DFIs supply funds for investment: financial intermediaries like merchant bankers help the corporate sector to raise funds in the capital market. SPECIAL FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS THE CAPITAL MARKET: Soon after independence, the govt. of India set up a series of financial institutions to be of special help to the private sector industries. IFCI was the first of these institutions (1948).it was followed by SFCs (set up by state govt. with cooperation of RBI other banks) to provide long term finance to small and medium industries. ICICI (1955), IDBI (1964) UTI (1964) followed soon after.LIC was set up in 1956 to mobilize individual savings and to invest part of savings in the capital market. Commercial banks the capital market: The operations of commercial banks have so far been confined to the purchase and sell of govt. and other trust securities. Their holdings of industrial securities viz. shares and debentures are very small. But in recent years, banks have been increasingly participating in term through subscribing to the shares debentures of special financial institutions. They are also setting up financial subsidiaries, known as merchant houses, mutual funds, venture capital companies, leasing companies, etc. to mobilize funds. Non banking financial companies (NBFCs): In recent years ,NBFCs, variously called as finance corporation loan company, finance company etc. have mushroomed all over the country. These companies, with a very little capital of their own have been raising deposits from the public by offering attractive rate of interest other incentives. They advance loans to wholesale and retail traders, small scale industries and self- employed person. Bulk of their loans is given to parties which dont either approach commercial banks or which are denied credit facilities. The finance companies give loans which are generally unsecured. Besides giving loans and advances to small sector, they run chit funds, purchase and discount hundies and have also taken up merchant banking, mutual funds, leasing etc. Essentially, these finance cos. are banks, since they perform the basic twin functions of attracting deposits from the public and making loans.RBI say The rapid growth of NBFCs especially in the nineties, has led to a gradual blurring of dividing lines between banks and NBFCs. Since NBFC are not regarded as banking companies they didnt come under the control of RBI. There is no minimum liquidity ratio or cash ratio between their own funds and deposits. The RBI has mentioned 5 kinds of NBFCs Leasing Financing Companies Hire purchase finance companies Loan finance companies Investment finance companies Residuary non-banking companies (RNBCs) Future of NBCs: The NBFCs are now emerging as a growing segment of the Indian financial system both the government and RBI appreciate the need for their orderly and healthy development with appropriate prudential safeguards. It is to regulate NBFCs and to improve their financial health that amendment to RBI act, 1934 was carried out. Mutual Funds: In recent years, mutual funds are the most important among newer capital market institutions. Several public sector banks and financial institutions have set up mutual funds on a tax-exempt basis. Their main function is to mobilize the savings of general people invest them in stock market securities. Growth of mutual fund: In the 1990s.MFs found it hard to attract investors, the competition for funds was hotting up from banks and the government was offering 14% interest on medium term securities, banks-12%, HDFC-14%, IDBI-15.75%. Under these conditions, it was difficult for mutual funds to rival such high yields on debt instruments. They also found it hard to meet high expectations of investors who were yet to break out of the get-rich-quick syndrome. Accordingly, the first wave of mutual funds failed. During 1998-99 and 1999-00, however the mutual fund sector registered significant growth. Economic conditions were good; stock exchanges were booming and the govt. had given tax concessions. All these help in the return of faith of people in mutual funds. The revival of mutual funds since 1995-96 was due to the entry of corporate majors-TATA, BIRLA, RELIANCE SBI. Many other followed with products designed for investor specific need. Investors left the banking system and flocked to mutual fund. STOCK EXCHANGE IN INDIA: In a modern capitalist economy, almost all commodities are produced on a large scale; and large scale production means large scale of capital. The public firms issues stocks and bonds and enable those with surplus funds to invest them profitability in them. The stock market is a place where stocks and shares other long term commitments or investments are bought and sold. History of Stock Exchange in India: The first organized stock exchange in India was started in Bombay when the Native Share Stock Brokers Association known as Bombay stock exchange (BSE) was formed by the brokers in Bombay.BSE was Asias oldest stock exchange. In 1894 Ahmadabad stock exchange was started to deal in the shares of textile miles there the Calcutta stock exchange was started in 1908 to deal in shares of plantation and jute miles besides these there were a number of unorganized and unrecognized exchanges known as KERB markets. There were also illegal DABBA markets in which stock and shares also bought and sold SEBI: The functioning of stock exchanges in India has shown many weaknesses, lack of transparency. to counter these problems and regulate capital market the government of India set up the SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE BOARD OF INDIA in 1988.SEBI was a non statutory body but in January 1992 it was made a statutory body. SEBI , in consultation with govt. of India has taken a lot of steps to introduce improved practices and greater transparency for the interest of the investing public and healthy development of capital markets SEBI has advised stock exchanges to amend the listing agreements to ensure the listed companies furnishes annual statements to the stock exchanges All the guidelines and regulatory measures of capital issues are meant to promote healthy and efficient functioning of the issue market In January 1995 the government amended SEBI ACT 1992, so as to arm SEBI with additional powers for ensuring the orderly development of capital market and to enhance its ability to protect the interest of investors. It was thought that SEBI has all necessary powers to control the capital market on one hand and effectively protect interest of the shareholders on the other. But it has failed miserably to prevent a small by scams like HARSHAD MEHTA scam. Capital Market of USA: USA has a very strong and developed capital market. Many other countries such as Germany have a very powerful and firm banking sector but the capital market of Germany is not so strong. There is a very agile financial market that is present in USA and is playing very important part in making and implementing the policies of the government. If agile market in financial instrument were not present, the govt. will not be able to open market operations. The capital market covers a big range of tools for borrowing and lending. The borrowers are businesses houses, retail investors, and government Institutes which have needs for funding. Lenders are businesses and Individuals with savings or excess money to invest. Financial institutions viz. commercial banks, investment Firms, and insurance companies, act as both borrowers and lenders. In addition, a wide variety of financial instruments have been developed that permit borrowers to sell their own securities and their own securities and ear n interest and profits. The market in which the maturities and trading are for a short period is called a money market; the money market is a market for short-term credit. The money market helps the players to deal with routine financial uncertainties. Borrowers trade it for mollify or Short-term cash. Markets that deal in instruments with maturities more than one year are known as capital markets, since credit for investments for new venture will be required for more than one year. There is a difference between primary and secondary market. The primary market applies to the original issuing of a credit market instrument. After a debt instrument has been issued, the purchaser may be able to resell the instrument before its maturity in a secondary market. These include different types of formal exchanges, and electronic trading through bids and offers. NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE: The New York stock exchange is the largest stock exchange in the world. It is operated by NYSE Euro next (it is the company that is formed by all the companies listed in the NYSE that came into existence in April 2007).the CEO of the company is Duncan L. Niederauer . Its origin started on may 1792, when 24 stock brokers signed the Buttonwood agreement. It was renamed NEWYORK STOCK AND EXCHANE BOARD on March 1817.The first president was Anthony Stockholm. Its composite index was created with a base value of 50 points and base year as 1965.after a gap of 38 years the base value was 5000 points and the base year was 2005. The list of stock exchanges of USA are given below: New York Stock Exchange NASDAQ Philadelphia Boston Stock Exchange National Stock Exchange American Stock Exchange Chicago Stock Exchange New York Board of Trade NYSE Arca U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission: It is an organization of USA government which regulates all the stock exchanges mentioned above. The primary responsibility of this commission is to enforce all the securities laws of investors and industries. It was created by SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT; 1934.This act is also called FEDRAL SECURITIES ACT. The main motive of the commission is to increase public faith in the capital markets by disclosure of information about public securities offerings. This commission divided in several offices. They are: The Office of General Counsel The Office of the Chief Accountant The Office of Compliance, Inspections and Examinations The Office of International Affairs PESTEL ANALYSIS OF CAPITAL MARKET OF INDIA: POLITICAL: THE capital market of India is very vulnerable. India has been politically instable in the past but it is a little politically stable now-a-days.the political instability of the country has a very strong impact on the capital market. The share market of India changes as the political changes took place. The sensex goes up and down with any kind of small and big political news, like, if there is news that a particular political party has withdrawn its support from the ruling party, and then the capital market will go down with a bang. The capital market of India is too weak and is based on speculations. The political stability of the country is very important for the stability and growth of capital market in India. The political imbalance or balance of the country is the major factor in deciding the capital market of India. The political factors include: employment laws tax policy trade restrictions and tariffs political stability ECONOMICAL: THE economical measures taken by the government of India has a very strong relationship with the capital market. Whenever the annual budget is announced the capital market goes up and down with the economical policies of the government .If the policies are supportive to the companies then the capital market takes it positively and if there is any other policy that is not supportive and it is not welcomed then the capital market goes down. Like, in the case of allocation of 3-G spectrum, those companies that got the license for 3-G, they witnessed sharp growth in their share values so the economic policies play a major part in the growth and decline of the capital market and again if there is relaxation on any kind of taxes on items of automobile industry then the share of automobile sector goes up and virtually strengthen the capital market .The economical factors include: inflation rate economic growth exchange rates interest rates SOCIAL: India is a country of unity in diversity .India is socially rich but the capital market is not very attached with the social factors .Yes, there is some relation between the social factors with the capital market. If there is any big social factor then to some extent it affects the capital market but small social factors dont impact at all. Like, there was opposition of reliance fresh in many cities and many stores were closed. The share prices of the reliance fresh went down but the impact was on and individual firm there was not much impact on the capital market on a whole the social factors have not much of impact on the capital market in India. The social factors include: emphasis on safety career attitudes population growth rate age distribution health consciousness TECHNOLOGICAL: The technological factors have not that much effect on the capital market. India is technological backward country. Same as social factors, technological factor can have an effect on an individual form but it cannot have a big impact on a whole of capital market. The Bajaj got a patent on its dts-i technology, and launched it in its new bike but it does not effect on capital market. The technological change in India is always on a lower basis and it doesnt effect on country as a whole. The technological factors include: RD activity technology incentives rate of technological change automation Environmental factors: Initially The environmental factors dont play a vital role in the capital market. But the time has changed and people are more eco-friendly. This is really bothering them that if any firm or industry is environment friendly or not. An increasing number of people, investors, corporate executives are paying importance to these facts, the capital markets still see the environment as a liability. They belie that it is of no use for their strategy. The environmental performance is even under-valued by the markets. Legal factors: Legal factors play an important role in the development and sustain the capital market. Legal issues relating to any industry or firm decides the fate of the capital market. If the govt. of India or the parliament introduces a new law that can affect the running of the industry then the industry will be demotivated and this demotivation will lead to the demotivation of the investors and will result in the fall of capital market. Like after the Harshat Mehta scam, new rules and regulations were introduced like PAN card was made necessary for trading, if any investor was investing too much money in a small firm, then the investors were questioned,etc. These regulations were meant to maintain transparency in the capital market, but at that time, investment was discouraged. Legal factors are necessary for the improvement and stability of the capital market. PESTEL Analysis Of The capital market of USA: Political factors: The political state of USA is very stable as compared to the India and trading there is done not on speculations but on hard and proven facts. They dont invest on feelings as we Indian investors do. It is a well known fact that the political factors play an important role in the capital market, but in USA due to its strong democracy and almost 100% employment the capital market. The investors there dont mix emotions with their professions so even if there is some kind of political disturbance that doesnt show much impact on the capital market there. ECONOMICAL: The economical factors of any country are very important for the capital market of that country and USA is no exception. For example: the great depression of 1931.the USA stock market crash on October 29, is also known as BLACK TUESDAY. This crash led to hugh loss for investors and the capital market was on its knees. Thus the economical factors are a very important and unavoidable factor .it will be suicidal to overlook the various economical factors like inflation, GDP, income tax structure etc. SOCIAL: Social factors almost dont affect the capital market in the USA. Because, the country is very rigid in its social roots. They are very less emotionally attached to each other especially in terms of business. The investors are least bothered about the social issues that prevail in their surroundings. Their social system is of that kind that it is too difficult to disturb the capital market there. Their social pattern is very much developed. Factors like emphasis on safety, health consciousness, career attitudes, population growth rate, age distribution etc. doesnt affect them at all. Technological factors: USA is a technologically developed country and the companies spend lot of money on the R D of any product.they dont bother about the cost incurring on it.and the investors there are very active

Sunday, January 19, 2020

The Controversial Issue of Affirmative Action :: Affirmative Action Racism Racist Essays

The Controversial Issue of Affirmative Action Considering the subject of affirmative action the following questions frequently are raised: Is there a clear understanding of affirmative action roles/goals? What are the pros/cons of these programs? What are the "loop holes" in the system? Does seniority play a role in affirmative action? Addressing these key questions may help us all in our daily routine, as administrators and/or potential administrator in the public/private sector. Affirmative action programs throughout the United States have long been a controversial issue particularly concerning employment practices (public/private) and university student and/or staff recruitment. Most public agencies have some type of instituted affirmative action program. According to Cheryl Perry-League, Director of Equal Opportunity of the Port of Oakland, every business operating on Port of Oakland owned land must have a standing affirmative action program on record and businesses bidding to do work for the Port of Oakland must have an acc eptably diverse workforce. BACKGROUND To understand the role and/or goals of affirmative actions programs we should define what the broad definition of what affirmative action is and what caused its development. The phase "affirmative action" was used in a racial discrimination context. Executive Order No. 10,925 issued by President John F. Kennedy in 1961. The order indicated that federal contractors should take affirmative action to ensure job applicants and employees are treated "without regard to their race, creed, or national origin." A person could define this statement as an order to imply equal access and nothing else. Subsequently, Executive Order 11246 issued by President Johnson in September 1965, "mandated affirmative action goals for all federally funded programs and moved monitoring and enforcement of affirmative action programs out of the White House and into the Labor Department." Affirmative action "refers to various efforts to deliberately take race, sex, and natio nal origins into account to remedy past and current effects of discrimination. Its primary goal is to ensure that women and minorities are widely represented in all occupations and at all organizational levels" (Tompkins, 1995, p.161). Another definition of affirmative action according to Barbara Bergmann is "planning and acting to end the absence of certain kinds of people-those who belong to groups that have been subordinated or left out-from certain jobs and schools" (1997 p.7). Tracing the history of affirmative action, laws against racial discrimination have proved inadequate for workplace integration because they often provide remedies only after the fact.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

A detective story written by Conan Doyle Essay

Baskerville and his companions later on meet a friend, who tells the about a convicted murder called Seldon, escaping from prison and being loose upon the moor. Seldon is part of the atmosphere in Dartmoor. Seldon is described as being â€Å"fiendish† and having a heart full of â€Å"malignancy†, which links him to the Hound, a creature known to kill the Baskerville family. The hound is also loose in Dartmoor. The Hound and Seldon bring a menacing, and deadly atmosphere to Dartmoor. In the distance, clearly visible was a â€Å"mounted soldier† holding a â€Å"rifle†. The soldier is an example of the symbol used in the setting. Soldiers carrying rifles have connotations of dark, menace, and death. These descriptions together with the moor give a forbidding atmosphere, preparing readers for forthcoming, menacing events. Baskerville had travelled across Dartmoor, and now had an exterior view of Baskerville Hall. As he walked in he noticed the decaying gates made of granite. Granite has connotations of darkness, hard, and black, suggesting Baskerville has a dark decaying family. This is true, as he is the only Baskerville remaining. They later enter a tunnel, increasing the darkness of the atmosphere. â€Å"The house glimmered like a ghost†, suggests the supernatural, and death. This is symbolic for the death of those who lived in the house. The descriptive words â€Å"dark veil†, â€Å"dull light†, and â€Å"black granite† all indicate the darkness and gloominess of Baskerville Hall. This raises a sinister, forbidding, and menacing atmosphere. Baskerville adds to the frightening atmosphere by saying â€Å"its enough to scare off a man†. The walls of the rooms were made from age-blackened oak, which also suggests darkness, and adds to the menace of the atmosphere. Conan Doyle obviously intended the atmosphere of the book to be a menacing one, and he did an excellent job in my opinion. The excellent description of setting in his books is one of the reasons why his books are so popular.

Friday, January 3, 2020

Addiction and Requiem for a Dream - 2022 Words

Requiem for a Dream depicts four individuals and their addictions to cocaine, heroin, and diet pills. Set in Brooklyn, New York, the characters each have their own dreams and addictions and their drugs are easily attainable trapping them in a cycle of dependence. The central character, Harry Goldfarb, is a young man who lives in virtual poverty because every cent he earns or steals goes toward his next high. He dreams of making a big enough score selling dope that will lead him to becoming financially stable and on Easy Street as he makes a home with his girlfriend. Tyrone, his best friend and business partner shares many of Harrys aspirations and addictions. Marion Jones, Harrys girlfriend, is an addict like her boyfriend and dreams†¦show more content†¦Not every addict should be treated the same. The regimen should address all of the aspects of an individuals life, including medical and mental health and follow up options. Behavioral Treatments help patients modify their a ttitudes and behaviors and increase healthy lifestyle skills and options. They can enhance the effectiveness of medication and help addicts stay committed to the treatment process. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is a behavioral treatment with the goal of helping the user recognize, avoid, and cope with anything and everything involving their drug use and recovery (Davison, 2007). Therapeutic communities can also be extremely effective, especially for those who are severely addicted. They are highly structured programs that often involve residency for up to 12 months. It is important to recognize that no single treatment is appropriate for all individuals addicted to drugs (National, 2005). In Requiem for a Dream, the main character, Harry Goldfarb is a heavy drug user. He is addicted to heroin and any other substance that he can inject into his veins. He uses marijuana and other drugs occasionally, but heroin is his drug of choice. The film opens with a symptom of Harrys addiction. He is stealing his mothers television set to pawn for money to buy drugs, which she then re-purchases later in the day and the cycle continues. Harry is clearly failing to fill his social role as a son in order to get high. The drugs come first toShow MoreRelatedInterview with Aristotle1436 Words   |  6 PagesAn Interview with Aristotle on Requiem for a Dream Interviewer: Hello Aristotle. My name is Christina Dodson. It is an honor and a privilege to get to meet you. I will be interviewing you today about a movie you just recently watched called, Requiem for a Dream. Let’s take a second to refresh ourselves with the movie, shall we? Aristotle: Why, that sounds lovely. I wouldnt mind a little freshening up to help get the creative juices flowing. Interviewer: Well good! 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